October had been a hopeless month for flying, I’d managed just one lesson. So was excited to see beautiful weather today, the first day of November. I left the house in good spirits, anxious to get behind the controls of an aeroplane again. But on my way to the airport a huge layer of fog rolled in. Hoping that it would pass I continued on to the flying school, but it didn’t look hopeful, I couldn’t even see the runway the fog was so thick.
The fog had rolled in so quickly that it had caught out one of my fellow students while still in the air! They had to divert to Kemble and get a taxi back to Bristol. In a cancelled lesson in October I wrote about how the airfield here had been established as a bad weather training ground, I can certainly see this first hand today. The METAR showed visibility was nil and the fog so thick the cloud base couldn’t even be observed:
METAR EGGD 011620Z AUTO 10007KT 0000 R27/0175 FG VV/// 11/10 Q1027
Needless to say, my lesson was cancelled.